February 3rd, we found out we are expecting a precious little boy!!
During my first trimester, I had a small hunch it was a boy. And, for fun, I took the Chinese Gender Predictor during this time and it stated it was a boy.
Weeks later, Matt and I upped our fun games and looked up some old wives tales.
All of them said, "girl"! :)
It cracks me up that 80% of them were incorrect for us, but it was so much fun playing along anyway.
I'm excited to bring a boy into this world that we will work on being dapper, respectful, romantic, act on chivalry, and be a complete gentleman.
Reflecting back on that night; there were so many emotions...
Going in for our ultrasound I was on my tippy toes... I was so nervous! I didn't want to spoil the surprise; I almost didn't want to know... And just seeing our baby, again, made my heart skip a beat. And I giggled at the fact that he was a dancing machine that night and wouldn't let the ultrasound technician capture a photo of his leg.
(I hope he has his daddy's dance moves!)
Seeing and hearing his heartbeat made me melt... I beamed and just as my first ultrasound, it felt like an out of body experience.
As some of you know, we didn't have the technician tell us. We had her place it in an envelope.
We had plans to go to Lou Malnati's for the big reveal.
The same Lou Malnati's where Matt proposed and where we had some of our wedding photos taken.
My sister came up with the idea and she was the second person
to know what we were having.
When we arrived at the restaurant, we anxiously waited.
There were too many times we wanted to tear open the envelope and take a peek!
We were on our best behavior, though.
My sister snuck off to the bathroom and decided to take her time as I sat with my fingers tied in a knot as I waited for her return..
She decided to take some selfies and even a video selfie...
(I love her!)
She came out with my new favorite shirt under her jacket.
It was truly sweet and Matt and I are ready to stock up on bow ties and suspenders.
And, yes, I already started shopping...

Here's some photos of us celebrating!
We cannot wait to meet you Oliver!