Finally I'm getting around to showing you all the goodies from my niece's Hunger Games Party!!! I have to say, I'm pretty proud of my sister, husband and I for how the decor turned out. With rain in the forecast, some plans were tossed but I think we made up for it, as best as we could.
Let's start out with the Birthday Girl!
Headband made by me, thanks to the tutorial by the wonderful
imbeetlebailey. I love how it turned out and will now be making one for myself! :)
In fact, we all made shirts the weekend before after seeing the movie (my third time :D)
The back of our shirts, in order from left to right:
Mutt 12, Katniss 12, Peeta 12, Peeta 12, Gale 12
I know people hate comparing The Hunger Games series to the Twilight series with the "teams", but if you want to know my two cents, anything having a potential love triangle will always create teams. I have teams for everything! Twilight just made it more "known" to the world and made it a big thing. So yes, we did pick our teams for our shirts and we stand by them :)
On to the decor:

Our cornucopia was made by my husband. We combined our vision from the book to what we saw in the actual movie. I think it's darling.. If I can even say that about the cornucopia. :) At least it's filled with sweets instead of weapons. (Unless there was a food fight! Sadly, this didn't happen, but would have been fitting) :)
The cupcakes were made by my other sister who is phenomenal at decorating! Doesn't the fire look amazing??
The cupcake flags, invitation (not shown), and bookmarks (not shown) were all downloadable content here:
They were perfect little touches!

I loved the candy buffet set up! Definitely had to put our thinking caps on and received insight from others. We decided to incorporate each district in the buffet, so we tried to get things to follow the designated district.
District 1 - Luxury: Ring Pops & Candy Necklaces
District 2 - Masonry: Pez "Bricks"
District 3 - Technology: Twizzler "Wires"
District 4 - Fishing: Swedish Fish
District 5 - Power: Gobstoppers
District 6 - Transportation: Disney Cars Cheez-Its
District 7 - Lumber: Pretzel Rods
District 8 - Textiles: Sour Rope "Ribbons"
District 9 - Grain: Chex Mix
District 10 - Livestock: Animal Crackers
District 11 - Agriculture: Popcorn
District 12 - Mining: Chocolate Covered Raisins
District 13 - Graphite, Nuclear: Fireballs
The Capitol - Lollipops

The morning of, I actually woke up at five, frazzled and exhausted and fighting sleep.. Seems like my mind won over sleep again. So I decided to make my extra time useful and baked! I was inspired by this idea from
this pin I found on Pinterest a few weeks back. I'm not computer savvy by any means and absolutely *adored* the tags they made, but I think my own attempt at the tags turned out pretty well! If you are not computer savvy like me, feel free to use my tag for your own "coal" cookies:
We had a fun little scavenger hunt using "orange backpacks". There were two teams and we held a reaping to figure out teams.
Hope you enjoyed my niece's Hunger Games party and found it full of inspiration! I'd love to see or hear all about your ideas/parties/plans!
Happy Birthday to my oldest niece! I hope you had a great time, Kelsye!