Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Hot, Hot Day

It's been a steamy hot weekend here.. Especially for being in May!  It's been in the mid 80's! 

Now, you all may call me crazy with this post, but here me out. :)  I wanted to just dive in a pool and get some sun.  Relax, read, chill.  It's way too hot just to sit/lay out for me, and sadly we don't have a pool.  :(

Well, as we were doing our grocery shopping yesterday, it's like a sign from God just appeared before our eyes... A young mother was carrying a bright pink plastic kiddy pool!  (Don't judge...)  We both immediately lit up!  We checked it out and it ended up being $12.  Sadly, for how cheaply made it was, I didn't want to spend that much.  So we ran to Meijer, quickly, for a few things and decided to glance down their swim aisle.  To our surprise, they had a blue blow up pool for $10!  So, I jumped up and down with excitement as Matt put it in our cart.

He had to close that night and didn't have a chance to get it up for me.  I had my close friend stop by and as we were hanging out, getting DQ and playing video games, my brother in law arrived.  He got our air compressor working and blew that baby up!

I filled it with water yesterday so it had all morning to warm up for me today! :) 

After running some errands today, I came home, jumped in my new bikini from Florida and hopped in!  Grabbing my kindle as well with the newest Sookie Stackhouse novel, Deadlocked, downloaded to it. 

Tease me all you want, but that little gem was soooo refreshing!  I sat right on my deck, cooled off but still getting sun and read.  Sigh...  I think I'm a little too excited for this little pool.  Low maintenance, small but still big enough, and perfect for what we needed it to do.  And now I got a nice tan forming ;)

The only thing missing was a cute little "beach" table to keep my valuables out of reach, and maybe a drink. :)

I think you all should run and get one now if you do not have the pleasure of having a big pool nearby!  I nearly fell asleep I was so relaxed!

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